Definition from Oxford Languages


  1. [noun] The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

To Art Is Human is a video podcast that dives into the lives of creators from all walks of life, exploring inspirations, accomplishments, challenges, and aspirations for the future...for the purpose of uplifting and inspiring everyone. Join us to learn, conquer burnout or creative blocks, and take bold steps forward on your
own artistic journey!

What do you get from us?

^ This week's episode ^

1) You'll discover things you didn't know were art.
2) You'll learn how to get in touch with your creative side...and it could unlock other areas of your life!
3) You might make your world bigger and re-ignite your creativity, by challenging the parameters of your reality!


We're our own worst enemies.
Get an empathic, compassionate, and fresh new outside perspective on your life and happenings...explore hobbies and interests that bring you through things you've accomplished that you're proud of...and vent about things that may
not have gone your way. We'll 'rein it in,' find things to look forward to, and do some goal-setting on the journey to find out what your art is -
and help you feel more fulfilled and creative!

Sessions via Video or Phone

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